Tuesday, November 21, 2017

My Life: What's Been Going On

It's been a while since I have posted. This isn't because I haven't wanted to or because I haven't thought of things to post. It all comes down to lack of time.

The last few months have been a bit crazy in my personal life. I suddenly moved, my job got a lot busier, and I have been trying to manage my anxiety. When you have anxiety, one little thing can throw you off. When you have big things happen, it can throw you in a spiral even when those things are happy or good. 

My full-time job is in its busy season and our budget was increased this year, so it's even crazier than last year. My bosses are both used to me now and I think they trust me more so there has been an increase in projects thrown at me which has been positively welcomed. I am not one to be happy being bored. It drives me up the wall and isn't good for anxiety. So, this increase in the workflow is good, but can also cause its own type of stress. 

Moving has been wonderful. I am finally back on my own and have my own space after many years. I have a wonderful mother who has been extremely helpful while I went through some of the toughest times in my life. My life is getting back on track and being back on my own is one of those things that helps. But with new experiences comes new responsibilities and it's been a long time since I have had the sort of expenses I have now, which brings on a whole new type of anxiety. 

So, I have been getting settled in, having a birthday, working overtime, and caring for my mental health (and my cat who has his own anxiety over the move). All of the sudden the holidays are upon us! How did this happen? How has it been so long since I have posted? I had planned on baking a new recipe over the weekend for my company's Thanksgiving potluck yesterday, but then I came down with a cold and had to miss the potluck. I am hoping to make that recipe over the holiday weekend and share it with you all. If it turns out like I think it will, everyone will love it!

I leave you with a promise of my return and a hope that everyone has a very Happy Thanksgiving...and a quote from my favorite show, Gilmore Girls.

Luke: Shouldn't we give thanks first?
Jess: Thanks for what?
Luke: Well, that we're not Native Americans who got their land stolen in exchange for smallpox infested blankets.
Lorelai: Amen.

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