Monday, September 28, 2020

Gilmore girls: Season 1 Episode 5 Cinnamon's Wake

It's been longer than I wanted between posts, but the last couple of weeks have flown by! But here it is! Cinnamon's wake. This one isn't too exciting. Not a lot of thoughts on this one. A bit random with the structure of my words but it might be best read along with the episode.

Opening Friday night dinner scene. 

I have to go with Lorelai on this one. Who wants to go to a funeral of someone they don't know or remember? Not me! I don't like funerals in general. Who wants to deal with that? But Emily's nazi joke was spot on and we get what seems like a genuine laugh (not an acting laugh) out of Alexis (Rory). 

Did Rory really think that Lorelai was going to bake? How does she not automatically think Lorelai was getting Sookie to do it. I mean, we all knew this when we watched originally, right?

Here we have Max asking Lorelai out for the first time. I understand that he seems intriguing and he's nice and interested, but really he's the most boring of all of Lorelai's love interests in the end. He never challenges her except to be macho against Luke in a future episode and what he sees as his property. Even with this first exchange between them, I never saw them going it the long term.

In the next scene, Lane and Rory are walking down the street towards the market. Rory wants to go in without Lane and to Lane, this should have been obvious and clear as to why. She has already told Rory that "the new kid" had been asking about her. But when Lane walks away calling her a freak I always thought that was strange. If she would have made a face and said something like "weird" it would have made more sense. But it has always bugged me the way she calls her a freak. It's her best friend and the way she says it is as if it is her mortal enemy.

Kirk finally as Kirk. But still what doesn't make sense is that Kirk has grown up there. He should know who Patty is and Patty should know who he is. Especially since, in later episodes, we find out he was in Miss Patty's dance classes as a kid. I think Kirk has the biggest arc over the series as anyone. I guess less of an arc and more of a change in character. From random characters to Kirk who is new, to Kirk who everyone knows and has lived his whole life in Stars Hallow. But he's still one of my favorite characters and I love Sean Gunn. I am so glad they brought him on for a regular character. Stars Hallow wouldn't be the same without him.

Lorelai and Max meet up in a coffee shop. I remember when it first aired I was all for her dating Max and most of it was because of this scene. But now, as I watch it in a different frame of mind for this blog, I see how not exciting this scene is and how normal of a person Max is. I guess that is the point. Max does grow on you. He's attractive, intelligent, and is nice to Lorelai. But when it comes to forever, I never thought they would make it. Lorelai needs more excitement in her life.

Stars Hollow doesn't have a regular grocery store, but they have an animal hospital? A vet, sure, but a full animal hospital? Doubtful. But poor Cinnamon. However, if Lorelai REALLY was interested in Max, even with the wake for Cinnamon, I don't think she would have forgotten their date. Which should have been an indicator of how she truly feels. 

I can see where Rory would be upset about Max and Lorelai. I am not sure how I would have felt when I was a teenager if my mom had been single and met a single teacher. Although, I can't imagine her having dated any of the teachers I had except MAYBE one of them. The rest of them were old and crotchety for the most part. And if she had dated that one teacher, I probably would have been proud of her because all the girls on campus had a crush on him. They all would have been jealous.

Lorelai, Lorelai, Lorelai.... with as careful as she is with what she tells her mother, how in the world did she tell her they were at a cat wake when she told her she wouldn't go to her distant family funeral?? Hand smack to forehead.

But honestly, I would love to live in a town where everyone was so close that the old cat in town is so beloved that they get together for a wake when the cat dies. Something just seems so odd and wonderful about that.

Clearly, Rory didn't really have a problem with Lorelai dating Max (especially now that she can relate to Lorelai's feelings), just that she didn't tell her. Which is ironic since she clearly likes Dean but is keeping that from Lorelai.

Pop Culture References:

Skanking to Rancid

M. Night Shyamalan

The Bangles

Jim Carrey

Jean-Paul Sartre


Iran Contra Scandal/Oliver North/Fawn Hall

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